Rubchinskiy, Gosha

The success of Rubchinsky and Demna Gvasalia of Vetements brought huge attention to so-called “Post-Soviet” aesthetics. The trend wasn’t limited to major chain stores such as Urban Outfitters and Topman that started selling garment with Cyrillic slogans, but also led to a renaissance in clothing design in Russia and Ukraine. The list of brands that contributed to the Post-Soviet streetwear trend included Sputnik 1985, Volchok, Mech, Lecharlatan, R-SSA, Podmost, Syndicate, Otocyon, Artem Shumov, Anastasia Dokuchaeva, Yasya Minochkina, Turbo Yulia, Alexandr Rogov [2].

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Gosha and friends at cafe on Manezhnaya in 2007

Alexei Platonov / Mania Mag

See also


[1] Gosha Rubchinskiy (Wikipedia)