Anton Kiba, known professionally as DJ Freak, is a Russian DJ and artist based in Moscow. He was born in 1982 and is known for his unique mashup and live mixing style[7].
Professional Career DJ Freak has gained recognition for his dynamic performances, particularly his ability to mix multiple tracks quickly. Some of his notable performances include:
- Live pop mashup sets at Silk nightclub in Moscow[5][6]
- A performance mixing 100 hits in 30 minutes at night club XXL[3]
- A DJ set on the “Radisson Beauty” superyacht in January 2014[8]
Musical Style He is particularly known for creating mashup mixes, such as his Rio Soundtrack Megamix, which blends tracks from the Rio animated movie with popular rhythms. This mix includes songs by artists like Jesse Eisenberg, Jamie Foxx, Anne Hathaway, and will.i.am[1].
Additional Interests Interestingly, he is also described as a “hacker and fricker” (computer attacker), suggesting he may have diverse technical skills beyond his musical career[7].
[1] https://soundcloud.com/mash-up-dj/rio-soundtrack-megamix [2] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wi6AQvL4ZYg [3] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yzgWvBNpiSk [4] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OgxbydovTFY [5] https://dj-superstar.livejournal.com/223879.html [6] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jguaTRZ6Bc0 [7] https://github.com/hanxiaomax/encyclopedia/blob/master/kiba-anton-dj-freak.md [8] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RBBErbykH2o
(Est. 2013, city) is a Anton Kiba, DJ Freak (Rus. Антон Киба) born 1982, Moscow is a Russian artist, hacker and “fricker”, an attacker of computers and telephone networks, the creator of computer viruses, extremal, an “old school radioelektronschik”, the creator of audio workstations based on primitive computers 80s, the author of the unique light effects and luminous show costumes, graphic designer, including web-art and pixel-art.
- Lamp of MD (2015), Antimuseum, Moscow
- Glowing helmet (2008), Antimuseum, Moscow
- Hurdy-gurdy, (2015—2016), Antimuseum, Moscow
Becoming DJ Freak
Since 1997, Anton creates visual effects for advertising video panes, becoming a professional DJ. From 1997 to 2001 works as an industrial climber, an expert in computer technology, network, and internet technologies. From 2001, he begins to the professional activity of the DJ, touring the nightclubs of Moscow and Russia. Since 2003, he documents his work in a photo portfolio and officially referred to as “the artist of the DJ-genre” in the directories as “Russian Musical Yearbook”, “InterMedia”, “MusicGuide”, “Euro-DJ”, “Want Media”, “Vodan First”. Anton begins to create music and remixes on the basis of his own studio in Moscow. In 2004, Anton opening a label “House Masters”. In 2005, Anton opening Internet portal after-party.ru. In 2008, he starts DJ-project freak.su, in art team of Alla Kiba, Ekaterina Sidelnikova with the support of latex workshop rubear.ru. In 2009, Anton as DJ Freak and DJ Rick (Kosmonautica) jointly organize a mash-up duo “Pirate Radio”, mash-up.su, developing a mixing in four hands, effects, bootlegs, live-remixes, megamix, mesh -aping, pitching and scratching. In 2012, DJ Freak creates a program of live performances, mixing live more than 100 well-known dance hits of various styles of rock and roll, Latin, disco, house, using “a magic glowing table” invented during the summer rehearsals with the Astral and created by Alla Kiba.
- Antimuseum
- Electromuseum
- Stanislav Kommisarov