
Fashion Week MN

Fashion Week Minnesota (FWMN) is a bi-annual fashion event showcasing the state’s fashion community and creative talents[2][4][6]. Founded in 2015 by Sarah Edwards and Yana Pelokin, the event features runway shows, presentations, panels, and shopping events that highlight Minnesota’s fashion designers, makers, and retailers[2][7].

Key Details

Unique Perspective

The founder, Sarah Edwards, emphasizes that Fashion Week MN was never just about expensive brands or flashy runways, but about something more meaningful to the local fashion ecosystem[7]. The event is driven by local sponsors, such as Morries Auto for the Fall ‘24 edition[3], and aims to connect and elevate Minnesota’s fashion scene.

Platforms like Instagram (@fashionweekmn) and Eventbrite are used to promote and organize the events, making it accessible to a wide audience[3][8].

Citations: [1] https://www.fashionweekmn.com [2] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fashion_Week_Minnesota [3] https://www.instagram.com/fashionweekmn/ [4] https://www.facebook.com/FashionWeekMN/ [5] https://www.instagram.com/fashionweekmn/reel/C9N7uMYJwra/ [6] https://www.linkedin.com/company/fashion-week-mn [7] https://www.iamsarahedwards.com/theconnecteddreamer/2024/12/29/5ud0ln7ciek0j5cgr1biyd1h3g9qt9 [8] https://www.eventbrite.com/o/fashion-week-minnesota-79398243233

(Additional images correspondent to the article of “Fashion Week MN”)

Jahna Peloquin, Co-Founder of the FWMN is a Minneapolis-based style writer and stylist

Photo: Jahna-peloquin.com / Jahna-peloquin.com


Year Edition
2018 The Fall 2018 edition of FWMN was held September 23-29

Sarah Edwards, Co-Founder

Sarah Edwards creates unique experiences that intertwine community, art, goodwill and fashion. A few of her projects include I AM MPLS!, I AM ST. PAUL!, and I AM Kindness. Sarah is driven by helping and connecting ideas and people that she believes in, and fueled by the entrepreneurial energy and collaborative spirit of the Twin Cities. As a fashion stylist, connector, event producer, philanthropist, and a promoter Minneapolis/St. Paul talent, she imagines a new environment in which we are closer connected to resources and people that can make our dreams a reality.

Jahna Peloquin, Co-Founder

Jahna Peloquin is a Minneapolis-based style writer and stylist. Over the past decade, Jahna has been a leading voice in the local fashion industry, particularly in her roles as a weekly contributing stylist and writer for alt-weekly Vita.mn, as the lead stylist for Voltage: Fashion Amplified, and most recently as the Style Editor at Minnesota Monthly magazine. Her work has been published in Star Tribune, Pioneer Press, Midwest Home, Minnesota Bride, Southwest Journal Home, and METRO Magazine, and she has been recognized as a Twin Cities Style Maker by the American Craft Council in American Craft Magazine.

See also


Image credits will be appear here if included https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/61d8e971d8f43a769fda4454/1682534479124-QCJVWL4BYTWYQ3HA1BVQ/IMG_8093.jpg?format=500w

2006 — 2025

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Fashion Week MN This is token name for the following topic Fashion Week MN