Dva Myacha

Based on the cult in the 60-s in the USSR [2] so-called “two balls” brand of sneakers that have been imported from China [3] in 1960 — 1980 [4]. After 3 years of testing, and searching for investors, ready-to-wear online sales began on July 6, 2016, and retail sales started from July 13, 2016, in department store “Tsvetnoy” [5, 6, 7, 8, 9].

Vlad Bakhanovich / YouTube


(Image correspondent to the article of “Dva Myacha”. To see an image try another browser!)

A still from video campaign
directed by Anastasya Zavadskaya

Vlad Bakhanovich / YouTube

Crowdfunding story

In 2013, regarded the Converse as a competitor, Dva Myacha started crowdfunding campaign, with the goal of 720 000 rubles. By the rules of the platform not collected amount was fully repaid to investors and the campaign has been discontinued [10].

(Image correspondent to the article of “Dva Myacha”. To see an image try another browser!)

A still from video campaign
directed by Anastasya Zavadskaya

Vlad Bakhanovich / YouTube

See also


[1] Кеды: история самой простой спортивной обуви в мире и СССР (Furfur)

[2] «Два мяча» и ГОСТ 9155-88 (Daily Afisha)

[3] Советские кеды «Два мяча» снова появятся в магазинах (GQ, Павел Биргер)

[4] Время Философское видео про будущее или как легендарный советский бренд кед «Два мяча» выглядит в 2018 году (YouTube, «Два мяча»)

[5] Вещь дня: Kеды «Два мяча» (Vogue)

[6] Легендарные советские кеды «Два мяча» возвращаются (Pixland, Polina Agliamova)

[7] Советские кеды (Vice, Маша Куреша)

[8] Хипстеров обуют в «Два мяча» (Аdindex, Марина Смовж)

[9] В чате с… человеком, возродившим советское прошлое, Евгением Райковым (SNC Media, Аня Батурина)

[10] Советские кеды: кеды из СССР возвращаются! (Boomstarter, Евгений Райков)