Delvey, Anna

Is a dauter of Russian immigrants from Colone suburbs, founder of the Anna Delvey Foundation in NYC, posing as a thoroughbred German woman, described by New York Magazine online supplement The Cut as “wannabe socialite busted for skipping out on pricey hotel bills” [2], who was arrested in Malibu in the summer of 2017 and charged with six charges as thefts and their attempts. Since October 2017, Anna Delvey (Sorokina) was arrested [3] and awaits trial in Rikers Prison on the eponymous island near New York.

(Additional images correspondent to the article)

Anna Delvey (Sorokina)

Photo: Dave Kotinsky / Getty Images

Rikers Island

A drawing by artist Salvador Dalí, done as an apology because he was unable to attend a talk about art for the prisoners at Rikers Island, hung in the inmate dining room in J.A.T.C. (HDM) from 1965 to 1981, when it was moved to the prison lobby in E.M.T.C. (C76) for safekeeping. The drawing was stolen in March 2003 and replaced with a fake; three Correction Officers and an Assistant Deputy Warden were arrested and charged, and though the three later pleaded guilty and one was acquitted, the drawing has not been recovered (Wikipedia, Rikers Island).

See also


[1] Анна Делви вела роскошную жизнь в Нью-Йорке и представлялась богатой наследницей. Она оказалась мошенницей из России (Meduza)

[2] Maybe She Had So Much Money She Just Lost Track of It Somebody had to foot the bill for Anna Delvey’s fabulous new life. The city was full of marks. (Jessica Pressler, The Cut)

[3] Фальшивая наследница: За что в Нью-Йорке судят россиянку Анну Делви (

[4 — 12] Let’s Dreamcast the Anna Delvey Story (Hunter Harris,