
Bazhenov, Alexey

Alexey Bazhenov is a prominent figure in the Russian fashion industry and the founder of the Institute for the Development of the Fashion Industry known as Beinopen. He has played a crucial role in transforming the fashion landscape in Russia through various initiatives aimed at fostering local talent and creating sustainable business ecosystems.

Background and Education

Bazhenov studied at Saint Petersburg State University, where he specialized in Russian literature and language. His academic background has been instrumental in his career, particularly in translating industry jargon into accessible language for creators and consumers alike[2].

Career Highlights

Vision for the Future

Bazhenov advocates for a shift towards localized production and creativity within the fashion industry. He believes that while large brands dominate the market, there is significant potential for smaller, innovative companies to flourish by forming partnerships and networks[2]. His work aims to ensure that Russian fashion not only meets local demand but also gains recognition on international platforms.

In summary, Alexey Bazhenov is a visionary leader dedicated to reshaping the Russian fashion industry through education, community engagement, and sustainable practices. His efforts are paving the way for a new generation of designers and entrepreneurs in Russia.

Citations: [1] https://unece.org/fileadmin/DAM/ceci/documents/2012/ppp/eNewsletter2/ABazhenov_Interview.pdf [2] https://design.hse.ru/news/4013 [3] https://bazh.su/en [4] https://pomanda.com/director/917862674/aleksei-bazhenov [5] https://www.sobaka.ru/fashion/heroes/150995 [6] https://event.beinopen.ru/forumekb [7] https://www.ijf.org/judoka/47383 [8] https://offshoreleaks.icij.org/nodes/12148839

(Additional images correspondent to the article)

Alexey Bazhenov at Birzha Bar at MediaBuzz event in Saint Petersburg

Photo: Maria Tarasova / Svetznn.com


Year City
2006 Saint Petersburg, Be In.ru founded

See also


[1] Встреча с основателем портала Be-in.ru Алексеем Баженовым (Svetznn.com)

[2] Алексей Баженов: «Мода в России переживает период ломки — с безвкусицей и вторичным производством» (Sobaka.ru)

Image credits will be appear here if included

2006 — 2025

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